iScramble (wordle alternative)

iScramble is a game in which, you will be tasked with creating words out of available letters upon a certain size of board, you will get awarded points for the length of your words and their diversity, this will occur for a few rounds, after which the player, who managed to get the most points overall wins! Play the game

iScramble word game
iScramble word game homepage

How to play - official rules

Once you open this game’s main page, you will be greeted with a simple prompt: “Play game,” as soon as you press this button, the game will show you the page, where you will be able to set up a room, here, you will be able to choose the language in which, you will play, the number of rounds you will play, maximum amount of players, a round timer, the board size and whether the game should be private, or public. When you choose your settings, you can press the “Create game” button, after you do this, you will get the option to share the game link with your friends, and to start the game. Once the game starts, you will be presented with a board and a selection of letters, available to you, you can position these letters as you may wish in order to form words either horizontally, or vertically, but never diagonally at any time, you may click the check words button, which will check the letters according to the lexicon we utilise and tell you, whether the game recognises your words as words. Once the round has ended, all the players words will be unveiled, and their points shown. On this screen, at any time, you may press the “Confirm words” button. Once all the players have pressed it, a new round will start. The game ends as soon as all the rounds have gone by and the player, who managed to accumulate the most points will be declared as the winner of that game.

Original game rules, pointing and game modes description are available here

Simple rules

Create words out of available letters upon a certain size of board.

1) Move letters to grid
iScramble - empty grid
2) Use check words button
iScramble - filled grid
3) Check results
iScramble - results

Word verification

We use LibreOffice dictionary to check words.

iScramble - verify word LOVE
iScramble - verify word RES
iScramble - verify word OHS

The advantages of registering

The advantage of registering is currently the fact, that you may play the game of the day and get your name written down in the leaderboards.

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